In this special edition of Kopi, Teh and Contemporary Art, Mediacorp artistes Zhu Hou Ren and Joel Choo will take you on a virtual tour of Singapore Art Museum’s art collection. Stand a chance to win $20 GrabFood vouchers by participating in a lighthearted quiz at the end of the tour. There will also be exclusive SilverArts Festival 2020 merchandise to be won too!
This programme is organised by SAM and presented in support of the National Arts Council’s Silver Arts Festival 2020. It is suitable for participants aged 50 and above and will be conducted mainly in Mandarin.
当代艺术咖啡茶室 - 朱厚任与朱哲伟与您线上有约
特别嘉宾新传媒艺人父子兵团朱厚任和朱哲伟将带您一览新加坡美术馆的藏品并进行互动游戏!除了更了解本地当代艺术,参加本活动中的问答游戏还有机会赢取20元的GrabFood礼券 及 限量版 “艺悦乐龄2020“ 的精美礼品。 此活动适合任何50岁及以上而依然满怀憧憬的你参与。
此活动由新加坡美术馆主办, 国家艺术理事会“艺悦乐龄2020“呈现。
免费 项目适合50岁以上的乐龄人士。
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