Climate Barbarism - Contrasting Visions on Climate Solutions by Bras Basah Open and Friends
In this session, the group discuss Jacob Blumenfeld's recently published paper "Climate Barbarism: Adapting to a Wrong World". We will also read, consider and discuss other texts that offer contrasting visions on climate solutions, such as the Good Living Goals, and the work of Ayisha Siddiqa.
Join us to discuss what it means to live in a society which is "compelled by its own social logic to destroy its own natural conditions of existence"? What implications do these texts have in the Singaporean context? What could collective action on a heating planet look like? What can the proposals for trans-development beyond the local scale, as in the Good Living Goals, tell us of possible strategies?
This event was presented by BBO in collaboration with Elias König and Arena/Topaz Zega.